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  • Writer's pictureShepherd Cheli

Late Autumn is Pelt Season

This is the time of year when we are culling the flock to winter over the best set of sheep for breeding. Those that are not wintered over, are processed for their meat, pelts, and horns. The Columbia Gorge has delivered its first dose of east wind, clearing away anything that isn't tied down or determined enough to stay put. During this time, as the daylight wanes and teh mornings get colder, the sheep start to grow out an extra thick coat of fleece to protect against the elements. And the pelts we have salvaged from the slaughter house are salted and curing for shipment. When the east wind blows in the gorge, the air typically becomes very dry. This helps to draw moisture from the hides, so that they may be preserved and eventually become soft and pliable. Here is a quick glimpse at how this year's set of pelts are fairing prior to their journey to the tannery.

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Our healthy flock of Jacobs graze in the Columbia River Gorge, where they thrive by the diverse marine climate and wool-worthy wind.

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 We produce a full array of Jacob sheep offerings including livestock, meat, pelts, fleece, handspun fiber and other  shepherd craft. 

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